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Is therapeutic massage painful?Therapeutic massage utilizes light to deeper techniques and may feel a bit uncomfortable at times when working on tight muscles, however, if you feel that it is painful or if you are tensing up then this is counterproductive and I will accommodate with lighter pressure.
How often should I get Massages?Someone managing chronic stress and pain or maybe doing any type of sports training might benefit more from frequent sessions, i.e., once a week. Those looking for general body maintenance may benefit from a monthly massage.
What should I expect at my first massage?For many clients, the first massage can be anxiety-inducing and exciting at the same time. Generally, the session will begin with a brief consultation highlighting areas of concern and goals for the massage.
What is Therapeutic Massage by Gia?Therapeutic massage by Gia combines sports and deep tissue techniques. Other alternative therapies are also used, such as acupressure, myofascial release, and stretching. The massage session accounts for the personal goals of the client and each client's natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being.
Are you licensed?Yes, I am licensed through the state of Pennsylvania and Insured with AMTA.
Do I have to remove clothing for my session.First, you must consider that massage oil can potentially stain your clothing. Second, your clothing may be more in the way than helpful. However, there are alternatives (such as acupressure) if you choose to be fully covered with loose clothing.
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